After-Hours Tour: Rare Book Room at the NY Academy of Medicine - Chocolate and its History
Join Historical Collections Librarian Arlene Shaner for an exclusive Valentine's Day-themed visit to the Drs. Barry and Bobbi Coller Rare Book Room!
With forty hours to go in our IndieGogo project, #MyNYC, to use Google Glass to tell the stories of New Yorkers, we wanted to share with you two of our grand prizes. First is an afternoon of exploration with Moses Gates, author of Hidden Cities. Moses is your ultimate urban explorer, who’s been to the catacombs of Paris, the sewers of London, scaled the walls of Notre Dame cathedral, and much, much more. We’ll spend the day exploring New York through Moses’ eyes, with a focus on the most “untapped spots” in the city (within legal boundaries of course). Best of all, you’ll take Glass with you to document this unforgettable experience.
Grantland staff writer and Untapped Cities contributor Rembert Browne will also be offering exploration in New York City. Right now Rembert is on a Great American Scavenger Hunt, exploits guided by one simple philosophy: say yes. Any day spent with Rembert is memorable, and we’ll be putting together something zany for New York City with Rem and the Google Glasses. And if you just want a spin with the Google Glass, that’s possible too.
We hope you’ll support our IndieGogo campaign–we want YOU to tell your stories with it!
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