Remnants of the Original Penn Station in NYC
You can still find remnants of the original McKim Mead & White-designed Penn Station from 1910 inside today's modern transit hub!
Temperatures are hot and summer is in full swing which can only mean one thing: peak growing season is upon us. Last month marked the second year of operation for Local Roots NYC, the Brooklyn-based Community Shared Agriculture (C.S.A) where you can pick and choose whole or half-shares of regional vegetables, fruit, eggs, bread, cheese, juice, milk and meat.
This year, they’ve introduced an Artisanal Brooklyn Share, showcasing some of Brooklyn’s finest food crafters and purveyors. Among the offerings are Brooklyn Soda Works sodas & syrups, Ovenly’s sweet and savory snacks, Mike’s Hot Honey, Rick’s Picks pickles and preserves, Liddabit Sweets confections, Kombucha Brooklyn assorted brews and SlantShack’s grass-fed jerky. In addition to fresh, seasonal fare, you can now fill your pantry with items that carry the same high-quality standards you come to expect with a C.S.A. These companies set out to create food with simple ingredients, alternative recipes and true craftsmanship. What started out as a small dream for most, turned into entrepreneurial endeavors with overwhelmingly positive results.
In addition to being hand-made within the borough, the majority of vendors utilize locally grown products. This passion to craft one’s own food is becoming quite popular now, especially in Brooklyn as can be seen at the Brooklyn Flea, DeKalb Market and Smorgasburg. In the spirit of making your own goods, Local Roots NYC, Krrb, and BK Swappers will be hosting a Food and Kitchen Swap. Bring homemade, edible treats and non-edible kitchen items to trade with your food-obsessed neighbors. It’s also a potluck so bring something to share””prizes to be awarded for best swap item and for best potluck dish.
Through Untapped, we’re giving away 2 tickets to the event. To win, follow us on Twitterl, tweet to us and @localrootsnyc what you’ll give away at the event
Like us on Facebook and write on our wall what you’ll give away.
Otherwise, tickets are just $5 which includes complimentary beverages. Who knows, you may just swap with the next “big thing.” Sign up for the fall CSA season beginning in August.
Food and Kitchen Swap will be held on Thursday, July 26th from 6 — 9pm.
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