The (Nearly) Lost Story of Cornelius Hasbrouck and Washington's Headquarters
Dive into a Revolution-Era scandal that involves the mysterious disappearance of an opportunistic Patriot with ties to George Washington!
As many of you know, the first patient with Ebola in New York City is now quarantined at Bellevue Hospital on the east side of Manhattan. We thought we would look at vintage images of the fascinating complex, which has been around since 1736. Appropriately, it was actually founded as a quarantine hospital and is the oldest public hospital in the United States.
It was originally located further downtown at City Hall, with just six beds. But as the city expanded, it was thus too close to the settled part of the city. With the grid system coming into play, Belle Vue farm was purchased along the East River for the new hospital. When this map was submitted in 1811, Belle Vue had just been purchased but the new building was noted on the map, #60 on the bottom of the map, along the East River. Bellevue served patients regardless of pay, hence its reference as an alms hospital.
1931 psychiatric building at Bellevue Hospital.
Check out how Steven Soderbergh is recreating 19th century hospitals New York City in The Knick and see more from our vintage photos column and
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