The (Nearly) Lost Story of Cornelius Hasbrouck and Washington's Headquarters
Dive into a Revolution-Era scandal that involves the mysterious disappearance of an opportunistic Patriot with ties to George Washington!
Just in time for the holidays, we asked our columnists to create some Special Edition Holiday Prints, and they’re now available as framed/unframed prints, notecards and iPhone cases/skins on The Untapped Shop. Enjoy, and happy holidays from all of us at Untapped Cities!
Merry Everything, Happy Always by The Downtown Doodler
Bernadette Moke (aka the Downtown Doodler) was born and raised in New Jersey, escaping to New York quite frequently. While attending New Jersey Institute of Technology, she finished three-tenths of an Architecture degree before completing a B.S. in Multimedia and Graphic Design. She is a professional napper, amateur photographer, crime show nut, book hoarder, mac & cheese connoisseur and is never far from a sharpie marker. Her Downtown Doodler column combines doodles and architectural drawings.
Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree by The Downtown Doodler
Ode to the Ugly Sweater by Kat Mills
Kat is a graphic designer and a recent transplant to New York from some unspeakably boring place in the Midwest. Holds a BFA in illustration from Syracuse University (2011). Likes cooking, long solitary walks, Tom Waits, well-dressed humans, dirty martinis, cartography, and properly-kerned typography. For “The Art of Style,” Kat scours the streets of Manhattan (and sometimes Brooklyn) with an eye for quirky and captivating street style and draw the people who catch their eye in a highly stylized series of illustrations.
Place de la Concorde by David Cessac
David is an illustrator and cartoonist based in Paris. His drawings, characterized by fierce humor and expressiveness, have attracted various magazines, communication agencies and cultural organizations. His educational background combining Art and Political Science has given him perfect insight into human interactions. With pens, pencils, pastels and ink at his finger tips, Cessac weaves a universe of poetic and friendly characters and environments. In his column, A Few Parisians, David draws the quirky characters he comes across in Paris.
Merry Christmas by Charlotte Vallance
Charlotte is an illustrator and printmaker, sometimes at the same time, sometimes separately! She loves traveling, bunting and elevenses. Charlotte spends one weekend a month in Amsterdam and is always interested to try new things and meet new people. She find buildings fascinating, and her column (Art)chitecture by Charlotte Vallance is dedicated to showing you the quirky and interesting buildings she comes across in London, Amsterdam and wherever else her travels take her.
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