The (Nearly) Lost Story of Cornelius Hasbrouck and Washington's Headquarters
Dive into a Revolution-Era scandal that involves the mysterious disappearance of an opportunistic Patriot with ties to George Washington!
Explore the many remnants of the World’s Fairs in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, including time capsules, Andy Warhol mosaics, an ancient column and more! Flushing Meadows-Corona Park has lived many lives from marshy tidal wetlands to an early 20th Century ash dump, to the site of not one but two World’s Fairs. This in-depth presentation will explore the past, present, and future of this 900-acre park, which was an obsession of late “Master Builder,” Robert Moses. Join Untapped New York’s Chief Experience Officer Justin Rivers as he leads you on a journey through Flushing Meadows’ many unnoticed treasures. For more events like this, become an Untapped New York Insider!
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