1964-65 World's Fair Remnants Outside NYC
Discover a futuristic tepee in Wisconsin, a concrete Spanish masterpiece in St. Louis, and more NYC relics across the nation!
Most of old Times Square has been carefully obliterated by generic hotels, soulless office buildings, and Walt Disney musicals, but there are still a few vestiges of its seedy past—if you know where to look. On this virtual talk of Gritty Old Times Square, let us take you back to the halcyon days when 42nd Street was the Deuce, Eighth Avenue was the Minnesota Strip, the Great White Way was a red light district, and the Crossroads of the World was XXX-rated. Untapped New York tour guide Bob Brenner will regale you with his encyclopedic knowledge of the former peepshows, grindhouses, adult book stores, dive bars, hotsheet hotels, sex clubs, porno theaters, and massage parlors–not to mention all three locations of the New York Times. We will discover the personalities who made Times Square what it was: the King of the Peeps; the reclusive genius behind the McDonalds of Sex;. For more events like this, become an Untapped New York Insider! https://untappedcities.com/become-a-member/
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