1. Do high-low development whenever possible
2. Design crazy-looking government offices (this is City Hall) you can say reflect your spiritual heritage
3. Erect beautiful art and construction fences
4. Build more public transportation
Seoul Metro has the most track distance of any subway system.
5. Let people know outside your subway stations where to find disabled access
6. Cover your parking garages in greenery.
7. Make your barriers handsome. If you’re going to keep people out at least do it nicely.
8. Hire street artists to decorate your retail spaces (this is a beauty shop).
9. Mix up your styles—there’s nothing wrong with a cute cafe in a historic building.
10. Light up your city at night
There’s much, of course. For example: Seoul has no sirens. Not a single one heard in 10 days. A city official says technology solves a lot of problems because they can track calls along with available police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances. Seoul is incredibly clean. No one seems to litter except an occasional foreigner. Even then, street workers come along and sweep it up. It has greenery everywhere, not to mention free wi-fi. And its buses are color-coded so you can spot which is yours from a distance.
Next, read about the Top 10 Secrets of Grand Central Terminal. Julia Vitullo-Martin is a senior fellow at the Regional Plan Association. Get in touch with her @JuliaManhattan.