10 Secrets of NYC’s Abandoned North Brother Island
Learn more about North Brother Island, a mysterious, abandoned island in NYC's East River!
Being a small town gal, I can’t help but escape the city once in a while. A couple weekends ago, I took a trip with my pooch and boyfriend to Cape May, New Jersey. Forget all preconceptions of Jersey shores being full of shiny-skinned, glossy haired partiers. Cape May turned out to be the perfect getaway.
This Victorian town was welcoming, clean, and not to mention dog-friendly. Every building was beautifully decorated in varying vibrant colours. All individually personalized, this is the only city in the nation that is designated as a historic landmark. It also has the second most Victorian houses in the world next to San Francisco. Cape May has been one of the most favourable resorts in the nation since the late 18th century. However, lately it’s been a hidden treasure. The beaches were calm, not crowded, and trash free. The white sand greeted by low tides segueing into the blue sky embellished by puffy clouds was an 18th century painting preserved in perfect condition. Dogs were allowed off-leash on the beach away from the fishermen which meant my little pup was in digging heaven.
Directly on the opposite side of the beach, are rows of Victorian houses that are available for rent. Couples, families, and friends can rent one room, or even the whole house to spend their summer nights in. As homey as each accommodation was, they also served amenities as cityesque as Starbucks in its kitchens. The lawns were perfectly kept and the pools were glistening in the sunlight. Some lawns in front of homes were converted into miniature golf courses or snack stands. I was quick to accept a freshly made funnel cake from one of those snack stands and it went flawlessly with my ice-cold sweet tea.
The brick-road boardwalks included the prettiest of shops selling souvenirs and articles of clothing. One Victorian home was painting pink and white with a matching Schwinn bicycle leaning against a sign in the lawn that simply said, “SHOES”. I was sold.
Guy Fieri from the Food Network stopped by Cape May as well to check out George’s Place on 301 Beach Drive to try the famous classic Greek lamb served by two brothers who own and run the restaurant. Guy was so impressed, he spray painted his signature stamp on the back of the building!
Another sunset hotspot was a big Congress Hall that was made into a hotel and tavern called The Blue Pig Tavern.
Cape May sunset was the most beautiful closing to a relaxing beach afternoon. I cannot say enough great things about this beach town. Rent a car with the new app GetAround or get a discount on Zipcar if you e-recycle. Drive a few hours down the coastline of New Jersey, and arrive here in Cape May for the perfect change in pace.
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