Bowery Ballroom Used to Be a Shoe Store in NYC
This 1920s building on the Bowery had many lives before it became a legendary NYC music venue in the 1990s!
Wouldn’t life be sweeter if all of us just took a little bit of time and money and spent it on something just for us?
At least, that’s the principle for New York resident Chris Kooluris, a 37-year old public relations executive who retrofitted the bedroom of his Murray Hill apartment with thousands of dollars worth of vintage arcade games.
The bedroom’s custom-made four-player console programmed with thousands of games from Street Fighter to Michael Jackson’s Moonwalk.
The bedroom, which he frequently rents out to events big and small, was just recently featured as a tour spot with our partners, the New York Adventure Club, which organizes events around New York for its community of 2,000+ urbanites looking to discover something of their city.
On first glance, the bedroom that’s made headlines in Wired, Buzzfeed, and Curbed NY is smaller than it looks, probably more because of the sheer amount of games, action figures, and ’80s memorabilia stuffed inside than its square footage.
A view of Kooluris’ collection of figurines and the room’s high-score board.
A few choice highlights include a custom-made game console compatible with thousands of games, the original Mario Bros., a high score board, and one of only a handful of Fix-it Felix game consoles made popular by the 2012 film Wreck-it Ralph. The place is nerd heaven, an explosion of color and digitized sounds of coin-collecting and mushroom-hopping found at the end of Kooluris’ strikingly normal-by-comparison apartment.
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Photo by Corey William Schneider/NY Adventure Club
Join us for our next tour with the NY Adventure Club to Execution Rocks Lighthouse. Next, view Photos Inside NYC’s City Hall After Hours with the NY Adventure Club. Get in touch with the author at @jinwoochong
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