The (Nearly) Lost Story of Cornelius Hasbrouck and Washington's Headquarters
Dive into a Revolution-Era scandal that involves the mysterious disappearance of an opportunistic Patriot with ties to George Washington!
Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet is a public art installation designed to not only raise awareness about global warming, but also tries to spark practical solutions – and is doing it in a very creative way. The brain-child of founder Wendy Abrams, Cool Globes is her way of capturing the public’s attention to the complex problems that face our planet today. Begun as a Clinton Global Initiative commitment in 2005, this non-profit organization first premiered in Chicago before moving across the country. In 2009, Cool Globes began its International tour in Copenhagen. This month, in sync with Climate Week, Cool Globes arrived in Battery Park City.
While the Chicago exhibit featured more than 125 globes, the current installation at Pier A in Battery Park City consists of twelve. Each of the globes is five feet in diameter and carries a message on the accompanying pedestal. The globes have been designed by a variety of people. Not just artists, but musicians, actors, athletes and even elected officials. They are divided into categories with thirty of the overall globes titled “Voices”, whereby prominent individuals lend their voice to this project, and thirty titled Solutions,” highlighting simple ideas that we all can adopt.
“Urban Greening” titled Tree of Life by artist Kim C. Massey
“Adjust the Thermostat” titled Warm Up: Wear A Sweater is actually covered in a sweater – by artist Lindsay Obermeyer
Many of the globes not on this tour can be seen here, and you can follow Cool Globes on their Facebook page. This installation will be on view through November 20. Located at the tip of the West Side Highway at Battery Place, Cool Globes form a semi-circle in front of the main entrance to Pier A, on the plaza.
Check out 12 other art installations and urbanism exhibits not to miss in NYC this month. Read about the Top 10 Secrets of Battery Park.
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