NYC’s Oldest Brick Townhouse: The Mooney House in Chinatown
The Bowery, NYC's oldest thoroughfare, is unsurprisingly home to the oldest surviving brick row house in the city at 18 Bowery!
Poor Lizzie, killed by the thrashings of an angry whale and around her neck went the charm Velma has been working for years to locate. And so starts begins Chapter 3 of The Wonder City! Now Velma returns to her secret office in the belly of St. John the Divine where she consults an ancient text back from the city’s Dutch founders. It’s called The Tovernboak which literally translates to Spirit Book and Velma was the one to translating it from the 17th century Dutch. More about all that soon! In the meantime something she spies in her despondency gives her hope that all may not be lost.
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