42nd Street From West to East
Join longtime Manhattan resident and Untapped New York tour guide Richard Soden to explore one of NYC's most famous streets!
The Houston Bowery Wall is a rotating canvas for street art, run by real estate developer Tony Goldman, Jeffery Deitch and Deitch Projects. In the same location, Keith Haring did a piece for the community in the late 1970s and upon acquiring the property “the Goldman family felt a sense of responsibility to bring art and beauty to the public on a grand scale,” states the official web page. The latest to go up is Ron English‘s baby Hulk, a commentary on American consumerism.
The baby Hulk tries to break free of a collaged American flag, made up of brand logos slightly edited–Breathe on a Marlboro cigarettes-like logo, “Kentucky Fried Heart Attack” instead of KFC, “Faker” instaed of Quaker Oats.
Ron English at Houston Bowery Wall. Image via New York Off Road
As English tells Animal New York, “The original idea is that he’s Baby America,” explains English. “He’s way more powerful than he is smart. And he’s about to be pissed off about something. It could be all the animals. It could be he’s not in the ads. We don’t know…It’s about having stupid power, immature power.”
Image via New York Off Road
See previous work at the Houston Bowery mural: A Hurricane-Sandy themed mural by Swoon and an app that lets you see all the work over time.
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